Salón Rétromobile 2016

2000 km behind the wheel, 4 nights in the hotel rooms, three big auctions and numerous of friendly meetings with automobile enthusiasts, that was for us the 41st edition at the Retromobile Salon in Paris.
In the middle of January, we began to prepare for one of our favourite Events of the Year. This included thorough check of the offer at the auction houses, meetings with the clients and last but not least, communication with the media. After the research of the offer it surprised us, that there were very few premium pre-war cars at the auction this year, for those is Paris famous.
Despite all this, there was something to bid up on each of those three auctions. As we arrived to Paris on Tuesday morning we had some time to go through the beautiful exhibition hall “Porte de Versailles” and had a look at the cars, we were interested in. Simultaneously, our marathon full of the meetings and business dealings started.
On Wednesday evening we had the first of the three auctions. The RM Sotheby’s was for us exceptional in the way, that we were essentially bidding our silver Mercedes Benz 190 SL and it was very exciting experience. Everything went well and our 190 was the second best selling of this year auction. The next day we took a part of the Bonhams auction, in which we were going to shop.
We managed to get the Isotta Fraschini Tipo 8A and amazing sixteen-cylinder engine Cadillac V16 Phaeton. This week we also succeeded to buy some interesting cars outside of the auction.
The Retromobile 2016 was for us fortunate again and we look forward for a Year 2017.